Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Jack - The Fresh Prince of Fuzhou

Well of course we have always thought that Jack was totally adorable, but my gosh - the people of Fuzhou are crazy about him.  There are not many western visitors in this area, and Dave and I have drawn a lot of attention when we are out walking around. People just come up, look you over and smile.  Sometimes they hang around with you a bit, and the kids and young teens who are studying English love to say hello.  However, nothing can compare to the interest in Jack!

People stop and oogle over him every where we go.  Honestly, I'll bet there have been a thousand photos taken of that child!  He obviously looks different than the other kids here - with his mix of Ersland blood.  And apparently, it is the right recipe, given the amount of attention he gets from complete strangers!  Karen and Mike, Karen's parents and Dave were at the mall the other day (I was in bed tending to my cold).  There was one of those photography stores in the mall, and when they were passing by it, the manager came running out and asked if he could take photos of Jack and use them to promote his store!

The little "Prince" has had so much attention here, that I think going back to the states will be a rude awakening for him!  You know, the humdrum of daycare, naps, and baths will be a total let down from being in the spotlight constantly!


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